The Art Educators of New Jersey (AENJ) is seeking nominations for leadership positions on its Board of Directors. The term of office will be a two-­‐year term (Oct 2024-­‐Oct 2026).

Nominations are being sought for the following offices: President-­‐Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.

Serving on the AENJ Board of Directors provides officers and directors with an opportunity to support New Jersey’s Visual Arts educators, the students they instruct and the communities they enrich:

  • by providing professional development, curriculum development, legislative advocacy, financial, and other supports to Visual Arts educators and Visual Arts education,
  • to ensure that Visual Arts instruction is tailored to meet wide-­‐ranging student abilities and cultural interests and,
  • to ensure that the Visual Arts persist as a powerful, humanizing force that uplifts, inspires, challenges, affirms and dignifies arts patrons, arts students, established and aspiring artists and their communities.

Elected officers of the Board of Directors of the organization, shall be required to hold up these three duties:

  1. Duty of care -­‐ ensuring that the organization takes a prudent approach to using assets, including facilities, people and goodwill. It also means providing oversight for all activities that improve and sustain the organization.
  2. Duty of loyalty -­‐ making decisions in the best interest of the organization and not putting themselves first. It also refers to maintaining confidentiality about matters that they discuss in executive sessions.
  3. Duty of obedience -­‐ board members must know the local, state and federal laws regarding nonprofit organizations. They must also make sure that members of the organization act ethically, while adhering to the stated mission and purpose of the organization.

To be eligible for office, nominees must have served in leadership roles within AENJ, their school district, local community and/or another association, organization or public charity.

Description of roles and responsibilities:


The President-Elect shall:

  • Be responsible for providing leadership in the area of Professional Development offered by the organization,
  • Be responsible for assuming the duties of the President in their absence,
  • Working to develop an annual fund development plan to support the organization’s work
  • Coordinate with and support working groups and committees on special projects and initiatives related to membership, communications, and finance,
  • Be responsible for oversight of the Scholarship/Grants Chair and committee,
  • Serve as conference Co-Chair 2nd year in office and,
  • Attend and serve as a representative at the NAEA Leadership Conference and the Eastern Regional “Team East” meeting and as a delegate to NAEA Delegate Assembly (2nd year in office).

NOTE*: President-Elect succeeds the president for another 2-year term, then serves as Immediate Past-President for 2 years, serving on the board for a total of 6 years.


The Secretary shall:

  • Be responsible for the preparation of the minutes of all board meetings and maintain all corporate records of the organization,
  • Work with the President, Treasurer and Executive Director to ensure that all state and federal filings are completed and filed in a timely manner,
  • Keep accurate records of all motions of the Board, up to date information for all board members, including offices held and length of service and,
  • Serve as a member of the membership, communications and administration working groups.


The Treasurer shall:

  • Be responsible for the management of the organization’s finances,
  • Supervise the distribution of funds within the parameters listed in the budget approved by the Board upon authorization of the President and/or the Board,
  • Keep the President and the board of directors informed of the financial condition of the organization,
  • Partner with external financial personnel (bookkeeper and accountant if staffed) to provide reports to the board both monthly and quarterly,
  • Work with the President and Secretary to ensure accurate and timely filing of forms and compliance with all authorities having jurisdiction over the organization,
  • Work to maintain the organization fiscal health by providing budget forecast, cash flow spending and income data and,
  • Serve on the Admin and Finance Committee.

You may nominate yourself upon meeting the qualifications. Feel free to email, Dr. Jane Graziano, Past President, Historian if you have any questions.

To be eligible for office, nominees must have served in leadership roles within AENJ, their school district, local community and/or another association, organization or public charity and,

You must have been an AENJ member for a minimum of 3 consecutive years.

Nominations with all materials must be submitted by April 30th, 2024 11:59 PM:

Please submit here: AENJ Nominations Form

Upon review of qualifications, you may be contacted for an interview.


2022-24 Candidate Resumes

Please Click on the link beside each candidate’s name to review their resume.


Tamika Diaz: Resume – T Diaz


Ruth Byrne: Ruth_Byrne_RESUME_Spring 2022 – Ruth Byrne


Gene Neglia: GNeglia Curriculum Vitae Revised 2 (1).docx 2022 – Jane Graziano

Are you interested in volunteering with AENJ? Please consider reaching out to a member of the Board of Directors to learn more!