Executive Board
The Executive board are elected members with parent authority for the governance of the Art Educators of New Jersey.
Lora Marie Durr: Immediate Past President
Email: past.president@aenj.org
Antonia (Nia) Germanos: President
E-Mail: president@aenj.org
Tamika Diaz: President Elect
E-Mail: president.elect@aenj.org
Dr. Gene Neglia: Treasurer
E-Mail: treasurer@aenj.org
Ruth Byrne: Secretary
E-Mail: secretary@aenj.org
Board of Directors continued
The Board of Directors consists of Co-Chairs with leadership positions that focus on designated work groups. Co-chairs and work group members are volunteers who are committed to maintaining AENJ as an active and thriving organization dedicated to Visual Arts Education.
All members are invited to contribute to a work group. Please contact a Co-Chair listed below if you are interested in joining the good work of AENJ. Scheduled meetings and agendas are determined by the Co-Chairs.
Taylor Slade, Communications
Email: communications@aenj.org
Teresa De Sapio Diaz – Membership
Email: membership@aenj.org
Angela Rossi: Conference Co-Chair
Email: aenjconference@aenj.org
Danielle Fleming* & Mira Septimus**: Advocacy/Outreach Co-Chairs
Email: advocacy.outreach@aenj.org
*Contact Danielle for issues concerning NJEA / NJ Governor’s Awards
**Contact Mira for issues concerning NJPAC
Tenley Marshall Escoffery & Jazlyne Wooden: Advisory Council C0-Chairs
Email: advisory.council@aenj.org
Kelly Wenz & Danielle Davis, Youth Art Month State Co-Chairs
Email: yam@aenj.org
Appointed Non-Voting Board Members
Brianna DeWitt, Scholarship/Grants Coordinator
Email: scholarship@aenj.org
Jane Graziano, Historian, Awards Coordinator
Email: historian@aenj.org
Megan Richards, Art Beat Editor
Email: artbeat@aenj.org
Jazlyne Wooden, EDI Liaison to NAEA
Email: edi@aenj.org
Alison Farrington, Awards Coordinator
Email: awards@aenj.org